Monday, January 25, 2010

Journal Cessations 2010

The following journals ceased publication:

American Ceramics
Clear Magazine (print version)
Contemporary Magazine
Folk Art
Step Inside Design
Studies in the Decorative Arts
Tema Celeste

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

RISD Writing Center's Graduate Thesis Writing Workshops during Wintersession

Four thesis writing workshops will take place in Library classroom 228.
See the Writing Center's flyer for workshop dates, times, and topics.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Database Trial: Art and Architecture Complete

We have a trial to EBSCOhost's Art and Architecture Complete.

Access this databases trail via the RISD Library Website:
Resources >
All Resources or Articles >
Select any EBSCOhost database such as Academic Search Premier >
Select Art and Architecture Complete

Let us know what you think.

Description from EBSCOhost:
"Art & Architecture Complete™ is the definitive research database for the study of art and architecture. This database provides full-text coverage of more than 250 periodicals and 150 books. In addition, Art & Architecture Complete offers cover-to-cover indexing and abstracts for more than 630 academic journals, magazines and trade publications as well as for over 150 books. The database also provides selective coverage for more than 50 additional publications.

Art & Architecture Complete has been designed for use by a diverse audience that includes art scholars, artists, designers, college students, and general researchers.

This database covers a wide variety of pertinent subjects, including antiques, art and art history, interior and landscape design, and much more."