Thursday, March 5, 2009

Limiting to English language articles in online databases

In Margot Nishimura's AH 102 Medieval Art History class yesterday there was a discussion about how to limit search results to articles in English in the online article databases.

Here are some tips:

In Art Full Text/ Art Retrospective there is a Language of Document field in the drop-down menu on the front search screen. The default for the menu is "smart search".
Also in AFT/Art Retro's html full text documents is the option to translate the article to (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, or Dutch) or to listen to an audio file of the article.

In Art Bibliographies Modern, BHA, DAAI, and DAR, the initial search screen has a check box to select, Limited to: English only.

In Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals there is a Language selection box on the Advanced Search screen.

In AFT/Art Retro, ABM, BHA, DAAI, DAR there is the option to choose the language of the search interface - a fairly new feature.

In JSTOR, Limit to English on the Advanced Search screen.

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