Tuesday, June 8, 2010

CultureCount - New England's Cultural Database

CultureCount is NEFA's(New England Foundation for the Arts) creative economy database. Visitors can search a comprehensive directory of New England's cultural nonprofits, creative businesses, and individual artists. Other financial, grants, and geographic tools are build onto the directory.

Who's using CultureCount?
Artists and creative businesses adding themselves to the only FREE online directory of New England's 30,706 cultural assets.

Business People researching financial, demographic and geographic information of communities and potential investments.

Researchers accessing special tools such as data downloads, survey administration, customized website portals and Impact Calculator.

Policy Makers analyzing the economic impact of the nonprofit cultural sector with the Impact Calculator.

Journalists gathering information about New England community events.

Cultural Organizations responding to NEFA's annual nonprofit financial survey.

Grantees submitting NEFA online grant applications and forms.

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